So that's how it all started. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I agreed to work on that project with her. I had no idea that it would send me here- to Hood River, Oregon- to undertake the building of a handmade canoe for her father, or rather, for her. Mr. Childs gets a handmade canoe, and I get to ask for the hand of his delightful daughter. Pretty good deal if you ask me.
I didn't take it seriously at first; this whole canoe thing. When I was first told about it, marriage seemed to be a thought that was a long way off. And the whole idea seemed ridiculous to me. Could Mr. Childs actually be serious? I mean, it's kind of funny to say that your daughter has a brideprice, but come on! Who does that? And who actually builds the canoe?
But then I started thinking. This is the best deal I am ever going to get in my entire life. A canoe for Kristen?? I would build a thousand canoes if it meant I could go through all the adventures of life with her by my side. If one handmade wooden strip canoe is all it is going to take for me to end up with this most beautiful, kind, intelligent, Godly woman, then I was going to take him up on his offer before he changed his mind. The fool! If he had required it, I would have built him a yacht.
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